A Simple line based connection family created for 2012, with new void cut enhancements. I’m hoping that Assemblies will improve in further releases(for easy shop drawing production) and that connections
Will be given a grid intersection type parameter so it’s easy to find these in plan. it’s not perfect but it’s a start. Maybe someone else will enhance this family and post it back.
I need to move on to other things. The company I work for are consultants, so we don’t really have a need for this sort of thing. But someone might. Will upload the family if I can later.
I’m interested to see where others might take this.
Coarse view symbols
Wireframe view – you draw the line along the web of the connecting member. Then set other parameters manually.
Here is the schedule so far. I wanted a tick box that shows that it’s a knife plate connection and that turns off the visibility of the Length 2 column when the angle leg is turned off but I haven’t
Had time to mess with it.